Collection of furniture design projects

Osseous 2009

Thin birch ply, fluorescent light
Floor lamp made from a single repeating module, laser-cut from thin birch ply.

Hip Stool 2007

Painted birch ply, stainless steel hardware
26″ x 14″ x 14″ (barstool) & 10″ x 14″ x 13.5″ (step stool).

Storage Stool 2005

Painted pressed wood composite
17″ x 20″ x 14″
Invitation from Forest Products Laboratory in Madison, WI to investigate new materials coming on the market. In the collection of John Hunt of Forest Products Labs.

Foldaway Queen Sleeper 2009

Project for ReadyMade magazine.

Foldaway Tailgate Table 2005

Project for ReadyMade Magazine and Toyota. Part of a series of aftermarket customizations for the Toyota Yaris. The car toured the nation in 2005/6.